Thursday 6 January 2011

Magazine Advert

I took The time to create a simple yet effective magazine advert with the use of a print screened image from our music video.

Magaine AD By Matthew Maunder

Magaine AD By Matthew Oliver

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Magazine Sketches

Poster Sketch By Matthew Maunder

Poster Sketch By Matthew Oliver

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Advert Analysis

After deciding that we are going to create one digipack between us and two seperate music magazine adverts. I have created a raw and simple analysis of an advert typically found in an magazine.

Analysis By Matthew Maunder

Analysis By Matthew Oliver

Friday 3 December 2010

Final Digipak

Front Cover By Matthew Oliver

Front Inside Cover By Matthew Oliver

Back Inside Cover By Matthew Maunder

Back Cover By Matthew Maunder

Disc Design By Matthew Oliver

Front Cover and Disc Overview By Matthew Oliver

Digi Pack Overview By Matthew Oliver & Matthew Maunder

Friday 26 November 2010

Digipak Sketches & Raw images

CD Sketch By Matthew Oliver

CD Sketch By Matthew Maunder

Raw Images

All of our images are actually from our Video we used this to enhance the connection between the video and the band and we feel this adds a story behind the music and its art.

Written By Matthew Oliver

Thursday 25 November 2010

Prepation For Digi Pak

I asked Our teacher if we were allowed to use the bands orginal name, she said we would have to alter bands name slightly.

I offered UNKEL but Matthew Maunder came up with NUKLE which sounded much better so i went ahead and made it in photoshop.

Written By Matthew Oliver

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Digi-Pack Analysis

Analysis By Matthew Oliver

Analysis By Matthew Maunder

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Rough Cut and feedback

I compiled the rough cut together to show our teacher how our filming went although unfinished I thought it would be a good idea of what to expect and if there were any concerns at this early stage of editing. She was very pleased with the editing and very much liked the idea and the ending her only concerns were that the editing required more syncing when the base line kicks in, also some more POV editing styles for example some blurs etc which i agree with and will include into the final edit.

My workmate Matthew Maunder also observed the footage he said that the man who apporaches the door needs to seen walking up to the door rather than a cut of the man just there, i have two choices either i rotorscope the man and apply a very harsh colour correction to make him stand out more or i just extend the footage to allow the man appearing however this would mean extening the song, Matthew Maunder advised i extend the cut.

Written By Matthew Oliver

Rough Cut from Matthew Oliver on Vimeo.

We also received some audience feedback

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Prepation & Test shooting

Sorry we have not updated the blog in a long time but Me and Matt Maunder have been getting everything ready. we haven been conducting some test shots and getting all the props ready and just preparing ourselves for filming on Thursday morning. we are preparing things such as the DVD for the TV which you can see below.

Friday 22 October 2010

Friday 15 October 2010

Thursday 7 October 2010

Location Shots

Potray a sense of realism.

By using a house as our location for the film it fits perfectly with the chosen brief being a realistic setting and adding a more dramatic impact as we can show the characters current life in a state of ruin, which would bring our music video to life.

We decided on the living room as the main setting, if we used a bedroom the video would involve too many match on action shots and would involve the character scrambling around the entire house which would just confuse the audience and ruin the immersion within the video. And the character waking up on the sofa it gives an audience how much a mess the characters life is in.

By having the character only using around 3 rooms it's easier for the audience to follow, the kitchen will not be used as much as the other rooms but its still important as you can tell by the storyboards the character searches around a lot by having 3 rooms this makes it a lot easier as we can compact more props into the rooms and therefore gives a much bigger impact on the characters life.

The hallway plays a key role near the ending of the video as the involves the character trawl ling through it when the glow appears when the door is opened.

In summary you can see why we are using all of these locations are important to the end result of our video, it adds much immersion being in a realistic setting and we can really get set loose with props and making it a much more dramatic environment.

-Pictures & Description by Matthew Oliver

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Risk assesment, Shooting List & shooting schedule

Shooting list written by Matthew Maunder

Shooting schedual written by Matthew Maunder

Risk assesment written by Matthew Oliver

Friday 1 October 2010

Editing ideas & Sound effects

Here we have a stock image, its an urban environment so the colours and look fit nicely with our brief, below I'm currently looking at some editing ideas in the terms of colour correction, lightness and saturation etc for our final product.

By applying a fresh warm look the image is already looking better by bringing out warmish colours (browns & reds etc) and applying harsh lighting it makes objects such as walls stand out a lot more than the previous image.

as you can see this image is much cooler than the previous image by having a slow saturation and a heavy colour tint it gives a much more immersion impression. By altering the colour curves the overall finish is much more professional than the strand image. I personally feel this adds a much more depressed look to the image and feel this style of adding must feature in the final product.

Sound effects

Well there aren't many sound effects, I plan on just using a lot of Foley, just as recording the phone ringing and then editing it in for example we need the phone to ring more or less, I also plan on recording a few clicks for things such as when the TV turns on etc. just for dramatic impact.

Wednesday 29 September 2010


Images taken by Matthew Oliver
Costume Dress-up by Matthew Maunder

Tuesday 28 September 2010


Matthew Maunder's Mood board

Matthew Oliver's Mood board

Wednesday 22 September 2010


Matthew Maunder's Questionnaire


Matthew Maunder's Storyboard

Matthew Oliver storyboard

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Music Premission From UNKLE

When we decided on breif 3, we had always liked the song 'Burn my shadow' by UNKLE so I went onto UNKLES website and found A contact address, i personally felt it was a long shot but I went ahead of sent an email off. I then got a reply within a few hours, heres the email i sent and recived.

Now we have permission to use the song I though't I take the time to post up the lyrics of the song so you can have a better understanding of the meaning behind the lyrics.

I’ll burn my tomorrows
And I stand inside today
At the edge of the future
And my dreams all fade away

I’ll burn my tomorrows
And I’ll stand inside today
At the edge of the future
And my dreams all fade away

And burn my shadow away
And burn my shadow away

Face my destroyer
I was ambushed by a lie
And you judged me once for falling
This wounded heart will rise

And burn my shadow away
And burn my shadow away

Burn my shadow
Burn my shadow away

And burn my shadow away
And burn my shadow away

Oh, how I loved you

Written By Matthew Oliver

Monday 13 September 2010

Introduction & Pre-Lim

Hi Matthew Oliver and Matthew Maunder here,

This blog is for our advanced production our goal is to create a music video for a band too show our media skills. Along the way we will be marked individually on each piece so we have to work together this is too keep it fair so we can retain the same marks. Different to last year we are going to try and use as many different media forms where possible and try and stray away from using word documents, this may include more pictures or video podcast's etc. To give you more of an idea what to aspect from our work heres the mark breakdown.

Research and planning (20 marks)
Production (40 marks)
Two ancillary tasks (20 marks)
Evaluation (20 marks)

We also have to do an Ancillanty Task; we have 3 Tasks to choose from but can only choose 2, the 3 choices are;

- Digital pack, this will contain a CD or DVD cover front & back and 2 centre pages.

- A Magazine advert for the DVD of the band

- A Homepage website for the band.

Matthew Oliver & Matthew Maunder A2 Final Pre Lim Task from Matthew Oliver on Vimeo.

Written by Matthew Oliver