Monday 13 September 2010

Introduction & Pre-Lim

Hi Matthew Oliver and Matthew Maunder here,

This blog is for our advanced production our goal is to create a music video for a band too show our media skills. Along the way we will be marked individually on each piece so we have to work together this is too keep it fair so we can retain the same marks. Different to last year we are going to try and use as many different media forms where possible and try and stray away from using word documents, this may include more pictures or video podcast's etc. To give you more of an idea what to aspect from our work heres the mark breakdown.

Research and planning (20 marks)
Production (40 marks)
Two ancillary tasks (20 marks)
Evaluation (20 marks)

We also have to do an Ancillanty Task; we have 3 Tasks to choose from but can only choose 2, the 3 choices are;

- Digital pack, this will contain a CD or DVD cover front & back and 2 centre pages.

- A Magazine advert for the DVD of the band

- A Homepage website for the band.

Matthew Oliver & Matthew Maunder A2 Final Pre Lim Task from Matthew Oliver on Vimeo.

Written by Matthew Oliver

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